Nathan Wurth
Clare Siobhan Sim

Nathan is Noelle Street and Julian Wurth's son. Shortly after his birth, he got kidnapped by Kylie and had been missing until Jaime got him back. He now lives with Carrie, Tyler ,Catherine and Noelle in Windenburg. 

  • Nathan is the first child of the fifth generation.
    • Nathan is the first member of the fifth generation, just as his mother was the first member of the fourth, his grandma was the first of the third, and his great-grandpa was the first of the second generation.
  • Nathan is the first sim of the series to be kidnapped.
  • Nathan's aunt and uncle, Willow and Chase, are not that much older than him.
  • Nathan was a secret baby to everyone except Kylie, Carrie, Julian Wurth, Lilith, Charlotte Rose, and Jaime.
  • Lilith and Jamie found out about Nathan in episode 27 of Broken Dream when they found his birth certificate in Noelle's old room.
  • Nathan was finally found by Jaime in the 27th episode of In the Suburbs and brought back to Noelle.
  • Nathan is British, Irish and Egyptian.
  • He has the smallest teen room of any sim.
  • He is low- key Batman (Not anymore)
  • He is very good at investigating things such as finding out who is dad was and that his mom's finance', Toby, was the father of Evie Delegato's daughter, Pamela. This is because he has the Sleuth trait.
  • Nathan had the moolet that Robyn had cheated on him even though they weren't officially dating.
  • Nathan is the first sim to use Simder for a one-night-stand.